Logistics & Transport Recruitment Ltd (LTR) is a well-established specialist provider of quality staff to a defined market.
This market includes (but is not limited to):
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This market includes (but is not limited to):
We operate in a highly personalised manner, quality people are our focus!
Our entire organisation is dedicated to ensuring you have the right person in the right position, at the right time.
With over 30 years of experience in the logistics, transport and recruitment fields our team are well qualified to assist you to achieve your organisational and personal goals.
LTR was created from the merging of 2 successful and well established recruitment companies, Logistics Recruitment Ltd was established in 2002, and Transport Recruitment Ltd has been trading since 1988.
Ross Upton
Dip. Logistics, Dip. Business
Email: ross@ltr.co.nz
DDI: +64 9 254 4800
Mobile: 021 771 174
Louise Pownall
Email: louise@ltr.co.nz
DDI: +64 9 254 4804
Mobile: 021 925 150
Postal address:
P O Box 73-153
Auckland Airport
Manukau 2150
Email: info@ltr.co.nz
Web address: www.ltr.co.nz
Physical address:
Unit 8, Kudos Business Park
203 Kirkbride Road
Airport Oaks
Auckland 2022